Subscript Zero

A very generic pony with not many distinguishing features.

I found it easier to express myself using the most generic of characters.
Their gender, and even their color is undefined.

Their name, Subscript Zero, comes from the fact that this was my first OC.
In programming, the first element of an array would be arr[0].
The [] construct is often called the subscript operator, so the the notation for the "first one" can be called the "subscript-zero" of the array.

They are featured often on my Doodles.

Aster Ray

An updated version? A proper version? of Subscript Zero.

I added a bunch of accessories, and he's finally in color! Now he actually looks like someone.

His name, Aster Ray, also comes from the fact that this is my first proper OC.
Again, the first element of an array is arr[0].
In the C language, arr[0] is identical to *arr due to pointer shenanigans. This can be read as "asterisk-array".
Erase a few letters and you get Aster Ray.
Aster means star in greek, so it can also mean "Light rays from the stars", which, I think, is quite pretty.

Plasma Breeze

A ponification of the KDE Plasma linux desktop environment, which I use every day.

Red Black

...Why would you ponify a DATA STRUCTURE???

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch, ponified.


Ponification of the famous Linksys WRT54GS Router